Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: As the Court explained in Penry: [A] new rule placing a certain class of individuals beyond the State' power punish 1 ana. logou new rule placing certain conduct beyond the State' power to punish at all both cases, the Cons1 litution itself deprives the State the power impose certain peralty and the finality and comity concerns underlying Justice Harlan's view retro- activity have littlo foree As Justice Harlan wrote "There little societal interest 11 permitting the criminal process rest point where ought properly never to repose. Penry, 497 330; see aiso Butter McKellar, 494 (The first Teague exception encompasses categorical guarantees accorded by the Constitution' such prohibition on the imposit tiou particular punishment on certain class of offenders Mcintyre Trickey, 938 PZH 899 8th C ...